Leave a Legacy and Change a Life
As we look to the future, our aim is to ensure that an RMS education is available to all, not just to those who can afford the fees associated with an independent education.
By leaving a gift to the RMS Bursary Fund in your will, you can help us achieve this vision and change the life of the most deserving and talented girls.

Find out more
To find out more about leaving a gift to the RMS Bursary Fund in your will and the difference you could make, please click the button below to read our legacy information pack. To request a hard copy, simply email development@rmsforgirls.com. We would be very pleased to help.

All RMS alumnae and friends of the School can write a simple will for free through expert online will writers, Guardian Angels. Simply click on the button below to make your will. As part of the will-writing process, you will easily be able to make a gift to the RMS Bursary Fund. Guardian Angels also offer a face-to-face or phone service on 0800 773 4014.
Please note that making a donation to the Bursary Fund is not a condition of our free will-writing service.

Updating your Existing Will
If you already have a will, you can add the RMS Bursary Fund as a beneficiary by means of a simple codicil. A codicil is a legal document that allows you to amend an existing will, rather than having to rewrite the original will document. You can download a codicil form here. It is advised that you have the codicil witnessed in the presence of your solicitor.

Your Legacy Pledge
If you have already pledged a gift in your will to the School or to the Grace Robinson Memorial Fund, we would very much like to be able to thank you and acknowledge your gift both now and in the future.
To notify the School of your intentions, please complete the legacy pledge form using the link below. This form allows you to tell us if you have chosen to include a charitable gift in your will to the RMS Bursary Fund.

Legal Wording
If you are planning to include the RMS Bursary Fund in your will, the legal wording for inclusion is:
I leave to The Royal Masonic School for Girls Bursary Fund (Charity Registration Number 1106076) EITHER the sum of £ (to be completed) (amount in words) OR a (to be completed) % share of my residuary estate, to be applied to the general purposes of the Fund and I declare that the receipt of the Bursar or the duly authorised officer for the time being at The Royal Masonic School for Girls shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.