Our alumnae are a vital part of our vibrant RMS community. Each year, our alumnae regularly return to school to give career insights and university advice to our pupils.

In addition, there is a busy calendar of alumnae reunions, networking events and opportunities to visit school and keep in touch. Whether you were a boarder in the 1940s, a recent leaver, or somewhere in between, we would love to connect with you.


If you are an alumna and you don’t already hear from us by email or post, please send us your details using the alumnae connect form. We will let you know about events that may be of interest, keep you up to date with news from the school and put you in touch with other alumnae.

We really look forward to hearing from you.


Hear from our Alumnae

Our Mentoring Programme

Scores of alumnae, working in a huge range of professions, including the Arts, Science, Finance, Medicine, the Civil Service, Law, Education and many more besides, have opted to take part in our alumnae mentoring scheme and offer their support, advice and insights to alumnae at the start of their careers or career changers.

Find out more

Alumnae Publications

To read the latest edition of our alumnae magazine, please click the link below.

You can also enjoy reading 'Memories of my Schooldays', a recent collection of stories and photographs from alumnae who attended the School in the 1940s and 1950s.

See publications

Support Us

At its inception and throughout its history, RMS has been built on charitable giving. Today, a community of generous benefactors support the school and enable us to progress with developments around the school and offer a vibrant, creative environment where every girl can fulfil her potential.

Support RMS Today

Hear from Our Alumnae

Hear from Our Alumnae

RMS is a very special place to be. You walk into an environment every day and know that all the people around you have your best interests in mind and that they are willing to go to the ends of the earth to help you achieve what you want to achieve.

Charlie, Class of 2020

RMS is so unique, I can only describe it as an ‘everything’ school. You can come along, try a range of things so that when you leave school, you really know what your passions are, what your strengths are and what motivates you.

Lauren K, Class of 2015

Being at a school when you are encouraged to be yourself, to get involved, where you have excellent relationships with teachers because they genuinely want to see you succeed, it all adds up to a really, really enjoyable experience.

Lauren M, Class of 2014