RMS is pleased to offer parents another chance to attend the very well received Teenage Trials and Triumphs Workshop over two evenings 27th February and 6th March from 7.00pm until 9.00pm latest.
The workshop, run by School Chaplain Rev Quill and experienced Counsellor Barbara Haynes, arises from Rev Quill's interest in and teaching of Mindfulness and Mindful Self-compassion, and it offers ways for you as parents to learn how, instead of being triggered by the behaviour of your child or children, you can respond from a calmer place to the challenges, and the opportunities, they bring.
Rev Quill works with Barbara Hynes, a counsellor who brings extensive therapeutic experience of working with children. They teach basic information about what you as parents of daughters who are teenagers (or soon to be teenagers) can expect; and we introduce strategies for parenting. This includes ways that as parents you can pay attention to your behaviour as the adults so that you do not get caught up in your daughter’s behaviour. This gives the opportunity to cope better and model a way of handling things that, in (an age-appropriate) partnership with your daughter, can be hugely beneficial to the whole family.
On the first evening there is input from myself and Barbara, group discussion, questions and answers, some meditative practice that provides the chance to create a pause, and setting "homework" i.e. techniques to try out during the following week. On the second evening there is "reporting back", discussion, learning more techniques, and finishing with the offer to continue to offer support; those on the workshop might also want to join together in “self-help” groups in order to share experience and break down the feelings of isolation that occur all too often.