As part of our whole School focus on STEAM subjects, we are delighted to introduce a series of lectures designed for girls in Years 10 and above.
The aim is to introduce girls to a variety of STEAM subjects, and thereby inspire them to seek a STEAM- related career. Traditionally known as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), RMS has added a twist as we believe strongly that there would be no STEM without the Arts, so we have intoduced the A to make STEAM.
Lectures will take place in thew New Mark Hall on the third Wednesday of each month. We will start with tea and biscuits at from 4.30pm (for the October and November lectures – timings of subsequent ones will be advised nearer the time). There will also be the opportunity for girls to ask our visiting speakers questions at the end.
Wednesday 21st September: Sophia Forrest – "Women building the future – tales of the construction site"
Wednesday 19th October: Mai Nguyen – "Becoming a Civil Engineer – a career in tunnelling"
Wednesday 16th November: Professor Gerry Thomas – "Radiation Risks"
Wednesday 18th January: Dr Edina Rosta – "Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry"
Wednesday 15th March: Professor Alan Davies – "Rainbows – the myths, magic and Mathematics"
Wednesday 17th May: Lavina Harrington – "Myths and Masterminds of Renaissance Venice"
You can read more about the speakers and subjects here