RMS was delighted to welcome back three Old Girls on Wednesday 1st May to speak to our MedVetDent Society and other pupils about their careers in science and medicine.
Anna Sophia in Year 10 has written about how she enjoyed the talk:
I found the talks from the old RMS girls really helpful and very inspiring. What interested me the most was that all of them had had a challenge to overcome, such as not taking the A Levels required for the university course they ended up applying to, or changing their minds about what they wanted to study, but they were all resilient and have very successful careers now!
The story that grabbed my attention the most was Rosie's, who is a paediatric surgeon, as it really inspired me. She didn’t know for certain what she wanted to do, but she grabbed all opportunities available with both hands, which helped her to find her passions. This really helped me because I don’t yet know exactly what I would like to study and pursue – it showed me that unless you really try everything that is put into your path, you can never know for sure what you really want to do. I was very grateful for this lesson, and will do my best to remember it!
Thank you so much to all the speakers for giving us the opportunity to hear their inspiring stories and to ask them questions, because it has really helped me.
Anna Sophia