RMS is proud to announce the opening of a brand new Garden of Tranquility in our stunning grounds.

The Garden, made possible by kind donations from RMS supporters, was officially opened at our recent Celebration Day event and will serve as a safe space for our pupils to explore their senses and connect with the world in a way that is both therapeutic and educational.

Sensory gardens offer a serene and non-judgmental space where they can relax, unwind, and develop a sense of accomplishment. Engaging with the soothing, natural environment can help reduce stress, and anxiety, and help children build emotional resilience. 

- Mrs Manning, Ruspini SENCo

We use the sensory garden when children are dysregulated or upset as a distraction and opportunity to focus on something such as watering the plants, jumping on the wooden stepping stones or playing with the water. 

- Mrs Manning, Ruspini SENCo

A special thank you goes to all the staff and team involved in creating this unique and important space that will greatly benefit the RMS community.