Leiths Visitors Observe Year 12 Leiths Academy Lesson
Earlier this week, RMS for Girls welcomed two special guests from Leiths: Xenia Murray, a visiting tutor and examiner, and Louise Kissane, Headteacher at Leiths.
During the session, the Year 12 students demonstrated their culinary skills as part of their Leiths Academy practical course. The lesson focused on preparing two intricate dishes: deep-fried spring rolls and chicken ramen soup. This visit provided an opportunity for the students to showcase their progress and for Louise Kissane to observe the successful partnership between RMS and Leiths in action.
We were delighted to host Xenia and Louise, providing the students with an opportunity to receive valuable feedback.
Click here to take a look at a previous Leiths session from earlier in the term where the Year 12’s made Toad in the Hole with Cavolo Nero and Gravy.