Ever wondered whether the brain of a murderer differs from a ‘normal’ brain? Is there a gene for criminality? How does the environment interact with biology to shape criminal behaviour?
In an attempt to answer such questions, Dr Sutton will briefly consider historical accounts of how criminal brains differ from non-criminal brains, before turning his attention to 21st century theories of frontal lobe dysfunction, genetic and epigenetic explanations, and the complex association between mental illness and criminal behaviour.
About Dr Sutton
Primary research interests: the genetics of neural development and brain function, together with the interactive nature of biological, genetic and behavioural factors in disease processes.
Academic and Professional Roles: currently Honorary (Consultant) Assistant Professor in the Division of Psychiatry at University of Nottingham. He has also held academic appointments at Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan and Cambridge Universities, lecturing in neuroscience and genetics to a range of undergraduate and postgraduate students, including medics, biologists and psychologists. He has conducted research projects and data analysis for various organisations, including the Department of Health and the Medical Research Council, continues to assess and examine undergraduate medical students and postgraduates and has lectured to barristers and judges and training police officers.
Date: Wednesday 5th December
Time: 4.15pm for a 4.30pm prompt start (finishes 5.30pm)
Venue: New Mark Hall, RMS for Girls
**Suitable for Year 10-13 students, staff, parents and adult members of the local community