RMS for Girls is immensely proud to share that the School has had another exceptional year for A-level results, attaining higher value added than 90% of independent schools in the UK.

1 in 5 grades this year were A* and over half of all grades (52%) were A*-A. 85% of grades were A*-B, which is the highest A*- B score in RMS’ history. We are extremely proud of all of our students and our brilliant staff – congratulations to everyone for all of your hard work and dedication.

For the second year in succession, the CEM Centre at Cambridge University, which independently measures the academic performance of all schools, has said with “statistically significant certainty” that RMS is adding more value than 9/10 independent schools, and that this is indisputably a result of the excellent teaching and learning at RMS.

Something we pride ourselves on at RMS is the wide range of directions that students take, including the great variety of courses and places that students go on to study. 

This year the most popular universities are UCL and Durham, with over 80% of students heading to their first-choice destination. We have students heading off to 35 different universities in the UK and several destinations abroad, including the USA and The Netherlands.

We also have students taking up degree apprenticeships at places such as Amazon, as well as attending prestigious conservatoires and art courses.

Behind each set of results is a student with their own context and story. We look forward to sharing these individual stories over the coming days on our social media and website.

2024 results RMS Nationally
% of passes at grade A* 20% 9.3%
% of passes at grade A* and A 52% 27.6%
% of passes at grade A* to B 85% 53.6%
% of passes at grade A* to C 96% 76%

Statistics taken from: https://analytics.ofqual.gov.uk/apps/Alevel/Outcomes/

Headteacher, Kevin Carson, commented:

“I’m extremely pleased for, and incredibly proud of, the achievements of every one of our students this year.”

To have attained 85% A*-B is an exceptional achievement and credit is due to every student, their families, and to every teacher and member of support teams at RMS

“I wish the class of 2024 great things for their futures and I look forward to hearing of their successes in the coming years.”

Mrs Clare Freeman, Head of Sixth Form, says:

What a phenomenal set of results. This year group have achieved so much over the course of the last two years; not only have they achieved highly in their exams, but they have also thrown themselves into all the opportunities that Sixth Form has offered them.

“These students leave RMS with exceptional academic results as well as a wide variety of skills which will set them apart in years to come – and they are also just a really lovely group of students with great energy, who I have thoroughly enjoyed watching grow over the last two years.”

Congratulations again to our class of 2024. Here’s to a bright future!

Wan to find out more about Sixth Form at RMS? Sign up to our Sixth Form Preview event on Tuesday 1st October 2024.