RMS for Girls is delighted to announce another exceptional year of A-level results, with our students achieving higher value added than 90% of independent schools in the UK.

To celebrate this success, we spoke with members of the class of 2024 to learn about their exciting next steps and how RMS has played a pivotal role in shaping their futures.

Here’s Angelina’s Story.

Angelina, can you tell us about your results and what you are doing next?

My name is Angelina, I’m very happy with my results and I’m going to UCL to study Comparative Literature.

What’s been your favourite thing about RMS Sixth Form?

My favourite part of RMS Sixth Form is that it’s such an amazing community everyone's so supportive of one another.

We have an amazing cafe where everyone gets together, talks  and if you have any issues you can go to the teachers and they’ll help you out with anything.

What are you looking forward to the most about your next step?

I’m very excited to be in London, because there are lots of theatres, performing arts opportunities as well! UCL in particular, I love the course and I think it will be an amazing opportunity.

How has RMS supported you during your time at the School?


I’ve been at RMS for a very long time since year 4 and I’ve always loved performing arts, drama, music, so the music department has been absolutely brilliant.

The school productions, there are so many opportunities beyond academics that are really important.

What would you say to someone who is considering Sixth Form at RMS?

I would say that it’s such a wonderful community with so much support and its not just the academics you need other things to release stress and tension so you need to be able to do sports and the performing arts opportunities are really important especially at RMS.

Interested in Sixth Form at RMS? Why not join us for our Sixth Form Preview evening on Tuesday 1st October 2024Click here to book your place.

Congratulations to our class of 2024 for their outstanding results. Read more about how, for the second year in a row, CEM at Cambridge University has recognised us as one of the top 10% of independent schools for adding academic value.