Earlier this month, Cosima (Class of 2024) had the unique and incredible opportunity to be a guest at The White House, Washington, for the Gender Policy Council’s in-person launch of the Women LEAD initiative in conjunction with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

The Women LEAD initiative (Women Leading Effective and Accountable Democracy in the Digital Age) is a new US initiative focused on advancing women’s political participation globally and addressing barriers to women’s leadership, both online and offline. Cosima was invited in her capacity as a board member of the Global Coalition for Tech Justice.

The event gathered senior officials from the White House, the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development with government and philanthropic partners, civil society experts, and women leaders to discuss the critical link between women’s leadership and peace and security, and highlight shared efforts to advance women’s civic and political leadership globally.

You can view some photos and learn more about the event via the Carnegie Endowment Instagram:


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Having been involved in various political initiatives in the UK since she was thirteen, and international initiatives since she was fifteen, the efforts of women in politics and their recognition is a cause incredibly close to Cosima’s heart.

“I commend The White House’s efforts to not only recognise women but uplift them – particularly in a space so often but unjustly dominated by men.”


“So often I have been the only girl, woman, and young person in the room, so to be in a space with so many accomplished women and discuss efforts to further women’s political participation in peace and security – notably in the digital age – was incredibly meaningful.”

I would also like to thank RMS for Girls for their support - without the confidence, values, and strong female role models provided during my seven years at the school, I would never have had the courage to engage in events and initiatives such as these!

- Cosima (Class of 2024)

We love hearing stories about RMS students, past and present, carrying the values they learned in School into the world and making a difference.

Read more from Cosima via LinkedIn.